Appgate SDP

Appgate SDP Overview

Learn how the industry’s most comprehensive universal ZTNA solution strengthens security and transforms your network with the flexibility, extensibility and integration advantages of direct-routed architecture.

How Appgate SDP Works

Find out about the inner-workings of the most flexible and adaptable Zero Trust Network Access solution available today.

Zero Trust Platform
Integrations and Tech Partners
Appgate SDP for Developers
Use Cases for Securing:
Risk-Based Authentication
Learn how Risk-Based Authentication provides a frictionless, intelligent and data-informed approach to user authentication.
Strong Authentication
Find out how you can provide secure, frictionless access with the right multi-factor authentication method.
Transaction Monitoring
Explore the tools you can use to intelligently identify and prevent online fraud.
Behavioral Biometrics Service
Learn how behavioral analysis and machine learning stop fraudulent online web activity in real-time.
Secure Consumer Access for:
Digital Threat Protection
Discover how you can gain unparalleled threat visibility and the risk management tools that enable early identification and elimination of potential attacks.
Key Features
Take a deep dive into the features and tools contained within our industry-leading Digital Threat Protection (DTP) solution.



De conformidad con las disposiciones de la Ley 1581 de 2012 y su Decreto reglamentario 1377 de 2013, Easy Solutions S.A.S. (“Easy Solutions”), identificada con el NIT. 830.118.355-9, una compañía del grupo AppGate, informa que ha adoptado una Política para el Tratamiento de Datos Personales (la “Política de Tratamiento de Datos Personales de Easy Solutions”) que regula la forma en que Easy Solutions recolecta y usa los datos personales de terceras personas con la finalidad de desarrollar sus actividades corporativas y comerciales. Como se describe con más detalle en la Política de Tratamiento de Datos Personales de Easy Solutions, la cual está disponible a solicitud, Easy Solutions recolecta y utiliza datos personales de terceros, incluyendo, entre otros, sus clientes, proveedores, empleados, consultores, así como cualquier tercero que sostenga una relación con Easy Solutions. Para acceder a nuestra Política de Tratamiento de Datos Personales o ejercer cualquier derecho derivado de las normas que rigen el tratamiento de datos personales en Colombia, es decir; a conocer, actualizar, rectificar, suprimir y/o revocar la autorización de tratamiento, puede hacerlo enviando su solicitud por escrito al correo electrónico o físicamente a la dirección Carrera 13 A No. 98-75 Piso 6 en la ciudad de Bogotá D.C., Colombia.



In accordance with the provisions of Law 1581 of 2012 and Decree 1377 of 2013, Easy Solutions S.A.S. with Tax Identification Number (NIT) 830.118.355-9 ("Easy Solutions"), an AppGate business, has adopted a privacy policy (the “Easy Solutions Privacy Policy”) governing the manner in which it collects and uses personal data from third parties in furtherance of its corporate and commercial activities. As described in more detail in the Easy Solutions Privacy Policy available upon request, Easy Solutions collects and uses data from third parties, including, but not limited to, its customers, suppliers, employees, consultants, as well as other third parties who have a relationship with Easy Solutions. To access Easy Solution’s Privacy Policy or to exercise any right derived from the laws governing the processing of personal data in Colombia, please send a written request via email to or to Carrera 13 A No. 98-75 Piso 6 in the city of Bogota D.C., Colombia.